Education is an un-ending and ongoing process. One has to keep in mind the service of humanity as an ultimate aim of learning. On assuming the office as Principal of the prestigious D.A.V. Public School, Behror, I convey my immense pleasure in getting an opportunity to work and fruitfully interact with all staff members, students and their parents.
In recent years the D.A.V. Public School, Behror has grown immensely in its size and stature. It is our solemn duty and responsibility to ensure that purposeful education and training of a high standard is imparted to our students to equip them to compete for various careers and courses of their choice in the years to come and also that desired facilities within available resources are provided to all helping them to attain their cherished goals.
I assure, to the best of my ability, for a selfless contribution towards the noble cause of building up the institution for all-round growth and development of children. To bring up the school comparably at par with other schools of repute calls for wholehearted dedication on the part of students, staff members as well as everyone associated with the school. Let us, therefore, remember that:
"To get together in the beginning,
To stay together in progress,
To work together in success."
To educate a child means to develop his critical faculties his power of discrimination, his creative imagination, will power, acumen and his management of human interaction. Education is a dynamic process as it entails progress – not only scientific, technological and economic but mental, physical and spiritual as well, developing the power of understanding and analyzing. We are well aware that actions performed in the fullness of joy in the temples of learning, revealing the treasures of the infinite depth of wisdom, illuminating the path and leading all those around to the threshold of their minds; lay the broader and truer foundation of education. Thus, in a true sense, education not only prepares for life but is life.
The child of today is curious, aware and innovative, therefore it becomes obligatory for the school to respect and recognize his / her individuality and creativity. We here at D.A.V. endeavour to prepare students to face the world with a positive and constructive attitude – our aim is to create world citizens with a broad outlook by giving them not only the bookish knowledge but also facilitate real learning by firsthand experience by observation and by experimentation. Certainly, shaping the future of a child involves close cooperation between teachers and parents. With this I conclude with the most inspiring lines from a beautiful poem by Robert Frost!
"The woods are lovely dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."
Rajendra Prasad Gautam